Moving On and Reaching Out

posting by Jana


the cat on moving day. unimpressed. 

the cat on moving day. unimpressed. 

Over the last 10 days, we've moved the Community of the Cosmic Person HQ. It's a move towards deeper co-flourishing (even if the cat isn't convinced). The new HQ has an actual garden on the ground as opposed to a rooftop makeshift found-object (aka milk crates) cobbled together attempt at growing a few things. It's got a good roof for solar panels, and a square kitchen that invites group cooking and eating and connecting. The neighbourhood is mixed use and mixed population, rippling with gentle new waves of migration flowing into an Old World multi-generational pool of established market gardens, cafes, and footpath conversations.


And in the reaching out department, I've set up a Patreon page. Patreon is a place where people can pledge to financially support my work as the Convener of the Community of the Cosmic Person. I like this new level of accountability and of taking myself seriously in this work. My anti-marketing marketing coach, Carmel, has been incredibly helpful in directing me to clarify what I really want - the planet to flourish - and what I think it takes to work on this passion: helping other people to flourish, which to me means to live lightly, meaningfully, and interdependently as part of the whole community of life on Earth. 

I don't know what to make of the timeline from first having the idea for the Community of the Cosmic Person in the backseat of the car whilst driving across the Hay Plain between New South Wales and Adelaide. When was that? 18 months ago or something. Is it a long or a short time to have established a community and created spaces in which we can meet and content which we can engage? I don't know and it doesn't really matter. I'm blown away by the simple fact that it is, and I have, and we are. 

Thanks to you, we are. Thank you for being here and for sharing the CoFlourishing journey. 

yours in cosmic connection - Jana

the Cosmic Cat, just because

the Cosmic Cat, just because